
  • Rajan Chaudhary Department of Botany, Baring Union Christian College, Batala, Punjab, India


Plantago ovata, Isabgol, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Tillers


The present study was carried out to evaluate the effect of nitrogen and phosphorus on the number of tillers per plant in case of Isabgol (Plantago ovata Linn.). The experiment consisting of 9 treatments with three levels of nitrogen [0, 25 kg/ ha (12.5 as basal dose & 12.5 as aerial dose) and 50 kg/ ha (25 kg N/ ha as basal dose & 25 kg/ ha as aerial dose) and three level of P /ha (0, 25, and 50 kg N/ ha) as basal dose] and their different combination with Line sowing method were conducted in Randomized Block Design. Different levels of nitrogen, phosphorous and their combination significantly influenced the number of tillers/ plant. A close perusal of number of tillers/ plant revealed that maximum number of tillers/ plant was observed in treatmentT4 (5.00 & 5.33) at 50 DAS, (9.33) at 80 DAS, (9.66 & 10.00) at 110 DAS and the minimum number of tillers/ plant in treatment T0 (2.00 & 2.33) at 50 DAS, (3.66&4.00) at 80 DAS, (5.00 & 4.33)at 110 DAS in both sets of experiments conducted in two years.


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How to Cite

Rajan Chaudhary. (2020). THE EFFECT OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS ON THE NUMBER OF TILLERS PER PLANT IN CASE OF ISABGOL (PLANTAGO OVATA LINN.). Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 20, 44–51. Retrieved from