
  • Sukhpreet Kaur Department of Zoology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab), India
  • S.S. Hundal Department of Zoology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab), India
  • Manmeet Brar Bhullar Department of Entomology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana (Punjab), India


Water quality, Aquatic insects, Abundance.


A comparative study was conducted at three villages of Faridkot district viz, Pakka (30.716◦N and 74.802◦E), Chambeli (30.671◦N and 74.847◦E) and Bhana (30.683◦N and 74.828◦E) from June 2018 to May 2019. Water quality parameters like temperature, pH, EC, alkalinity, free CO2, DO, BOD, SDT was observed at fortnightly intervals. These water quality parameters were studied in relation to aquatic insect diversity in three village ponds. It was observed that there were slight variations in the water quality parameters in three ponds and most of the parameters had great influence on abundance of aquatic insects. There was significant positive correlation of various abiotic parameters with different insect orders.


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How to Cite

Sukhpreet Kaur, S.S. Hundal, & Manmeet Brar Bhullar. (2021). WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS AND THEIR CORRELATION WITH AQUATIC INSECTS IN VILLAGE PONDS OF SOUTH-WEST PUNJAB. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 21, 32–46. Retrieved from http://jpas.in/index.php/home/article/view/21