
  • Nitesh Dogra
  • Mandeep Singh
  • Sandeep Sharma Department of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab India.


MoS2, Photoluminescence, Exciton.


Here, we report the synthesis of hetero-dimensional nanosheets of MoS2 via a facile probesonication method. Structural analysis using X-ray diffraction revealed the hexagonal phase of synthesized MoS2 nanosheets. Transmission electron microscopy images indicated the presence of (004) planes and hexagonal symmetry of the processed nanosheets. These results were further supported by Raman spectra, which clearly revealed the reduction in intensity ratio of A1g and E 1 2g modes of MoS2. Whereas, MoS2 in bulk form is an indirect bandgap material and no emission is expected, the scaled MoS2 nanosheets have shown significant photoluminescence emission in the wavelength range from 300 to 550 nm. These results suggest that an indirect to direct bandgap transformation in MoS2 with reduction in no of layers give rise to enhancement in the photoluminescence emission. This way one can optimize the emission in desired range of the spectrum.


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How to Cite

Nitesh Dogra, Mandeep Singh, & Sandeep Sharma. (2020). HIGHLY LUMINISCENT MoS2 NANOSHEETS OBTAINED VIA TOP-DOWN APPROACH. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 20, 01–08. Retrieved from http://jpas.in/index.php/home/article/view/3