
  • S. S. Lonkar Tai Golwalkar Mahavidyalaya, Ramtek Dist. Nagpur, India
  • G.T. Kedar Govt. of Mah’s Ismail Yusuf College, Jogeshwari (E) , Mumbai, India


Nagpur, Icthyofauna, Telangkhedi lake, Gandhisagar lake.


The present study carried at two lakes of Nagpur City in Central India from July 2010 to Jun 2012 confirmed icthyofaunal diversity of 21 species belonging to 9 different orders, viz Cypriniformes, Anguilliformes, Beloniformes, Paraformes, Singuilliformes, Clupeiforimes, Mastacembaliformes, synganthiformes and Ophiocephalliformes . Presence of carps like Catla-catla, Labeo rohita, Cirrihina mrigala and Silver carp showed good productive grounds for fish culture practice in two lakes.


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How to Cite

S. S. Lonkar, & G.T. Kedar. (2020). A BRIEF APPROACH TO ICTHYOFAUNA OF TELANGKHEDI ANDGANDHISAGAR LAKES OF NAGPUR, CENTRAL INDIA. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 20, 57–64. Retrieved from http://jpas.in/index.php/home/article/view/38