
  • Chetanjyoti Tuteja Department of Zoology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Hundal S S Department of Zoology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Shanthanagouda AH Department of Aquatic Environment, College of Fisheries, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India


Arsenic, Ascorbic acid, Lipid, Protein, Fish


Arsenic in aquatic ecosystems is a rising concern for its deleterious effects on aquatic flora and fauna and eventually humans which are dependent on them as an important food source. In the present study fingerlings of Cyprinus carpio were exposed to arsenic for assessing the toxic effects of arsenic on protein and lipid content of muscles of fish. There were six groups considered viz. negative control, positive control, 1/5thLC50As, 1/10thLC50As, 1/5thLC50As+AA, 1/10thLC50As+AA. Sampling was done after 14 and 28 days. Significant decrease in total lipid and protein content was reported in arsenic contaminated groups when compared with negative control. A significant improvement in the total lipid and protein content of the flesh of fish was recorded at all periods of exposure when compared with their respective arsenic treated groups thus establishing the ameliorating potential of ascorbic acid against arsenic toxicity. A dose and time dependent response of arsenic toxicity was documented in the current study. The present study holds importance in areas where ponds and rivers are highly contaminated with arsenic and in regions where groundwater is also severely contaminated with arsenic.


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How to Cite

Chetanjyoti Tuteja, Hundal S S, & Shanthanagouda AH. (2020). ROLE OF ASCORBIC ACID IN AMELIORATING ARSENIC INDUCED TOXIC EFFCTS ON PROTEIN AND LIPID CONTENT IN FLESH OF Cyprinus Carpio (LINN.). Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 20, 9–16. Retrieved from