
  • Sonika Kapoor Department of Zoology Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College, Sec 32 Chandigarh


Obesity, co- morbidities, risk factors, global impact of obesity


The word obesity has now a day being termed as Globosity by WHO because of its global reach is extending its arena worldwide. Not only in  the developed but the developing countries are also having a toll of significant economic burden due to obesity and its co-morbidities. The onset of Obesity is not a single factor but an amulgum as well as association of multiple economic, hormonal, neural, genetic as well as social factors. The present review describes the Global along with the national status of Obesity in concurrence with changing risk factors and co-morbidities in India. The more emphasis on public as well as government initiatives is the need of the hour to control the devastating effects of obesity to make the nation healthy and strong.


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How to Cite

Sonika Kapoor. (2022). OBESITY, ITS SYMPTOMS, RISK FACTORS AND CO-MORBIDITIES. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 22, 72–80. Retrieved from http://jpas.in/index.php/home/article/view/48