
  • Parneet Kaur Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India-147002
  • Dhavleesh Rattan Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India-147002
  • Tejpal Sharma Department of Computer Science& Engineering, CUIET, Chitkara University, Rajpura, India-147002


Precision Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, IoT


Agriculture has seen a drastic evolution in the past few years. The usage of artificial intelligence technologies has made a significant impact on the respective field. Precision Agriculture (PA) practices have become very popular nowadays; these are the techniques which are focused on sensing and analyzing specific areas of the crops only such that the productivity of the entire crop field can increase. This article reviews the recent research done in the field of PA based on various machine learning and deep learning techniques. The usage of IoT technologies in supporting these techniques is also crucial. The research gaps in the current scenario of PA have also been discussed.


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How to Cite

Parneet Kaur, Dhavleesh Rattan, & Tejpal Sharma. (2024). PRECISION AGRICULTURE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 24, 33–37. Retrieved from