Punjab Academy of Sciences: Announcements2022-09-11T08:01:51+00:00Open Journal Systems<p>The Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences (JPAS) is being published by Punjab Academy of Sciences (PAS) since 2004. It is a <strong>Peer Reviewed, Indexed, Refereed, Open Acess Scientific Research Journal</strong>. The all-inclusive approach of the Journal enables communication between scholars, scientists and academicians. It forms the basis for the development of further ideas and tracks emerging ideas in the field of science. Original research articles, reviews and short communications in all areas of physical, chemical and biological sciences, as well as related disciplines including engineering sciences are accepted for publication. The JPAS (Print ISSN 2229-7014) is widely circulated journal and helps to increase the visibility and creditability of the researchers and further in their career opportunities.</p> <p><strong>Print ISSN 2229-7014</strong></p> <p><strong>Year of Start (Print Journal): 2004l</strong></p> <p><strong>Year of Start (Online Journal): 2020</strong></p> <p><strong>Frequency: Annual</strong></p> <p><strong>Published by: Punjab Academy of Sciences (India)</strong></p> <p><a title="UGC Notification" href=""><strong><u>UGC Notification</u></strong></a></p> <p><a title="Membership Form" href=""><strong>Membership Form</strong></a></p> <p><strong><a title="3rd Annual National Seminar on ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & AUTOMATION IN MODERN AGE AGRICULTURE 13th NOVEMBER 2024" href="">3rd Annual National Seminar on ROLE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & AUTOMATION IN MODERN AGE AGRICULTURE 13th NOVEMBER 2024</a></strong></p> <p><a title="27th PUNJAB SCIENCE CONGRESS NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “SCIENCE, BIODIVERSITY AND TECHNOLOGY: TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS" href=" bROCHURE fINAL 111.pdf">27th PUNJAB SCIENCE CONGRESS NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON “SCIENCE, BIODIVERSITY AND TECHNOLOGY: TOOLS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS”</a></p>