Earthworm, Nutrients, Organic waste, VermicompostAbstract
The massive amount of solid waste generated across the world is a severe environmental concern as a result of rapid industrialisation, population expansion, and urbanisation. Investment costs for solid waste treatment processes such as incineration, pyrolysis, and gasification are significant and at the same time none of these technologies is environmentally safe. Vermicomposting is economic and eco-friendly method of solid waste management. The purpose of this review is to offer a broad overview of the efficacy of vermicomposting technologies as an ecologically sound method for management of solid waste and its beneficial role as organic fertilizer.Vermicompost is a organic fertiliser rich in humus, NPK, micronutrients, and beneficial soil microorganisms, including bacteria that fixes nitrogen and phosphate, actinomycetes, and hormones that stimulate plant development, including auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins.Therefore, the purpose of this review's discussion is to demonstrate how vermicomposting, a revolutionary method of handling solid organic waste in an eco-friendly manner.
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