
  • S. K. Pawar Department of Zoology, Gramin Mahavidyalaya, Vasantnagar, (Kotgyal) Tq.Mukhed, Nanded, (M.S.) India.


Limboti Dam, pH, Water Transparency, Total Hardness.


The present study was conducted to assess the physic-chemical parameters of Limboti Dam Water of Loha Taluka in Nanded District Maharashtra, India, during the year June 2019 to May 2020. Analysis was performed on 05 different parameters. The monthly variation in the physical and chemical parameters such as Hydrogen ion concentration, water transparency, total hardness, calcium, magnesium were investigated. All the parameter was beyond on the permissible limits. The result revealed that there was significant seasonal variations in some physic-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were in the normal range and indicated better quality of dam water. The under capacity of this dam is 3.5 T.M. The water of the dam drinking is supplied to the three taluka namely Kandhar, Loha and Ahmadpur.


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How to Cite

S. K. Pawar. (2021). STUDY ON PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PARAMETERS OF LIMBOTI DAM, TALUKA LOHA, DISTRICT NANDED, MAHARASHTRA, INDIA. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 21, 58–62. Retrieved from