
  • Alka Bamotra Department of Computer Science and IT, Baring Union Christian College, Batala, Punjab, India


RSA (Rivest Shamir and Adleman), Diffie-Hellman, DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm), ECC (Elliptic curve cryptography), Cryptography, Security, Algorithm, Cipher, Decryption, Data Security.


With the internet having reached a level that merges with our lives, growing explosively during the last several decades, data security has become a main concern for anyone connected to the web. Data security ensures that our data is only accessible by the intended receiver and prevents any modification or alteration of data. In order to achieve this level of security, various algorithms and methods have been developed. Cryptography can be defined as techniques that cipher data, depending on specific algorithms that make the data unreadable to the human eye unless decrypted by algorithms that are predefined by the sender. So for providing data security many cryptography techniques are employed, such as symmetric and asymmetric techniques. Main concentration is on various algorithms including DES, RSA.


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How to Cite

Alka Bamotra. (2022). CRYPTOGRAPHY AND ITS TECHNIQUES: A REVIEW. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 22, 28–33. Retrieved from