
  • V. Singh Sri Guru Gobind Singh College, Sector-26, Chandigarh-160019, India
  • Kailash Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India
  • J.S. Shahi Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India
  • D. Mehta2 Department of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India


Photon-atom interaction, multilayer samples, thickness, X-rays, energy-dispersive X-ray detection


The present work reports a method for thickness measurements of multi-layer samples using energy dispersive photon-atom interaction setup involving 59.5 keV g-rays from 241Am radioactive source. The inelastic information has been used to measure thickness of polymer (mylar/polypropylene) films over a wide range 100 mg/cm2 - 600 mg/cm2 (~700 - 4200,000 Å). The setup can be further improved for lower thickness ~few Å using in-vacuo measurements involving low-energy photons ~10 keV. The measurements were also extended to determine thickness of different layers of Cu and Pb-Sn alloy foils sandwiched between polymer films using the characteristic x-ray, elastic- and inelastic-scattering information. The experimental results recommend the use of reported methodology for thickness measurement of low-Z materials deposited on a thick substrate for material characterization. Various aspects of interaction of X-ray photons (below ~100 keV) with matter, i.e., about characteristic X-ray photons, elastic- and inelastic-scattered photons have been discussed for the sample elemental/thickness analysis applications.



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How to Cite

V. Singh, Kailash, J.S. Shahi, & D. Mehta2. (2022). THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS OF MULTI-LAYER SAMPLES USING PHOTON-ATOM INTERACTIONS IN X-RAY ENERGY REGION. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 22, 41–52. Retrieved from