
  • Mr. Shyelendra Madansing Pardeshi
  • Prof. Dr. Dinesh Chandra Jain


Emotion recognition, Sentiment analysis, Machine learning (ML), Social media, NLP, Ensemble.


Due to the expansion of world of the internet and the quick acceptance of platforms for social media, information is now able to exchange in ways never previously imagined in history of mankind. A social networking site like Twitter offers a forum where people may interact, discuss, as well as respond to specific issues via short entries, like tweets of 140 characters and fewer. Users may engage by utilizing the comment, like and share tabs on texts, videos, images and other content.Although platforms for social media are now so extensively utilized, individuals are creating as well as sharing so much information than shared before, which can be incorrect or unconnected to reality. It is difficult to identify erroneous or inaccurate statements in textual content autonomously and find emotions of people. In this paper, we suggest an Ensemble method for sentiment and emotion analysis. Different textual features of actual and Emotion and sentiment have been utilized. We used a publicly accessible dataset of twitter sentiment analysis that included total 48,247 authenticated tweets out of 23,947 of which were authentic positive texts labelled as binary 0s  and 24,300 of which were  negative texts labelled as binary 1s. In order to assess our approach, we used well-known (ML) machine learning models such as Logistic Regression (LR), Decision Tree (DT), AdaBoost, SGD, XG-Boost, and Naive Bayes. In order to get more accurate findings, we created a multi-model sentiment and emotion analysing system utilizing the ensemble approach and the classifiers stated above. Our recommended ensemble learner method outperforms individual learners, according to an experimental study.


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How to Cite

Mr. Shyelendra Madansing Pardeshi, & Prof. Dr. Dinesh Chandra Jain. (2024). EMOTION RECOGNITION USING TWITTER DATA: AN ENSEMBLE MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 23, 85–94. Retrieved from https://jpas.in/index.php/home/article/view/58