E-content, Information, COVID, Communication, Development, Skill.Abstract
The demand on educational systems throughout the world to employ new information and communication technologies to provide students with the knowledge and information they need in this technologically advanced age is growing. Information and communications technology (ICT) must be integrated at all educational levels if we are to create a knowledge society. E-content is an extremely effective educational tool. All teaching systems' students and teachers are interested in this most recent form of education. It is a crucial tool for creating an information-rich society where everyone, regardless of gender, caste, or religion, has the capacity to produce, exchange, and use knowledge for their own political, social, cultural, and economic advancement. Impact of ICT can modernize the teaching and learning process. Students free feel with more interaction to others for learning their subject through ICT in the modern world. In out of school time, students are receiving more and more information about their subject and fulfilling their expectations. The traditional content delivery cannot satisfy the students because fewer senses are involved at the time of delivery. So, the modernization in the form of e-content maintains the learning outcomes more effectively. Information technology and the internet are major drivers of research, innovation, growth and social change. The expansion of the internet has altered every aspect of life, including education. A quality e-content takes a ton of originality on both an informational and technological level. The development of e-learning standards and learning objective designs are covered in this study.
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