
  • Manjeet Singh
  • Harish Kumar
  • Paramvir Singh Department of Sports Science, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India.


BDI, Depression, Team Games, Individual Games.


This study aims to compare the depression level of players among different games at Punjabi University, Patiala. Participants -In this study, 60 players of different games (Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Hammer Throw, Discus Throw and Wrestling) were included. Tool- ‘Beck Depression Inventory (II)’ Questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data. According to this scale, there are 21 questions used to determine the level of depression symptoms in players. The criteria measures chosen were analysed by descriptive analysis and one sample t-test to compare the level between the team games players and individual players. The level of significance chosen to test the hypothesis was 0.05, p, 0.05. The collected data was analysed and one sample t-test to compare depression levels among different games. Result- To obtain data statistically represent the mean of depression in team games (such as football, volleyball, and basketball) is 11.06 and the Standard Deviation is 3.84 whereas in case of the individual game (such as Weightlifters Hammer Throwers, Discus Throwers) the mean value is 14.80 and Standard Deviation is 3.53. The calculated tvalue is varied among players of different games, so the above results the significant difference in depression is found between team game players and individual game players of Punjabi University, Patiala.


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How to Cite

Manjeet Singh, Harish Kumar, & Paramvir Singh. (2020). TO COMPARE THE DEPRESSION LEVEL OF PLAYERS AMONG DIFFERENT GAMES AT PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, PATIALA. Journal Punjab Academy of Sciences, 20, 23–27. Retrieved from